在与 SHRM 签署学生合同之前,学生必须阅读并签署 Advisory Note.
标准学生备忘录样本,请点击 这里
为了增强学生及其家长对新加坡教育质量的信心,SHRM 学院将签订Standard PEI- Student Contract,以保护学生的利益。本合同的条款和条件以 CPE 提供的标准模板为指导。 Standard PEI- Student Contract同规定了管理学生与 SHRM 学院之间关系的重要条款和条件。您与 SHRM 的 Standard PEI- Student Contract将明确规定以下内容:
合同简介完成后,如果您同意所有条款和条件,请签署“Acknowledgement of Contract Explanation”。 如果您未满18岁,在签订合同前需要征得父母的同意。
如需 CPE 批准的学生合同样本,请点击 这里
SHRM will purchase insurance from the list of CPE-approved FPS providers for all students enrolled to ensure protection of the students’ fees. Under the insurance scheme, SHRM is allowed to collect the course fees from the students directly. There is a collection cap of 12 months. SHRM shall purchase insurance within 7 working days of receipt of the fees from the student. The insurance coverage shall commence from the date of payment of the fees till the due date of the next payment or the course end date, whichever is earlier.
SHRM’s FPS provider is Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd.
All fees paid by you to be enrolled at SHRM except for application fee, will be protected by FPS. GST is not inclusive as part of fees to be protected. There is another type of fee payable which is referred to as miscellaneous fees. Miscellaneous fees refer to any non-compulsory and non-standard fee which you will pay only when necessary or applicable, for example, supplementary paper and repeat fees. Such fees are normally collected on an ad-hoc basis by the PEI when the need arises. These miscellaneous fees need not be protected but they will be reflected clearly in the student contract.
All students are required to be covered by Medical Insurance for their entire course duration with SHRM. All SHRM students are covered under a group medical insurance scheme with an annual coverage limit of S$20,000 per student It covers at least B2 ward in government and restructured hospitals and provides for 24-hour coverage in Singapore and overseas (if the student is involved in SHRM-related activities). If students need assistance in submitting a claim, they can approach the Student Services Department.
The link below contains the Certificate of Insurance, details of the Medical Insurance Coverage. Please click here: Student Medical Insurance