terms and conditions

Course Content, Notes and Training Materials

In line with our efforts to be environmentally friendly, all course and training materials will be given in electronic form. Our friendly Programme Advisors will guide you through the steps on how to access the E-Course Notes or E-Books.
All course and training materials provided are protected by copyright laws, and cannot be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcasted, or otherwise exploited in any manner, without written permission from SHRM. All course and training materials are solely for personal and non-commercial use.
Students will be using devices such as tablet / laptop of their own during the training. if trainees do not own any technology devices, trainees can loan a tablet from the college.
Details of the course content: https://shrm.edu.sg/en/fss/

Dress Code

As part of the holistic education students receive at SHRM, we strive to provide experience of being a member of the workforce. As such we encourage students to maintain a well-groomed and mature image and to conduct themselves well. In the future you will be seen as the ambassadors who carry the identity of your business or employer. Most employers have certain guidelines and rules for this.

We want to prepare you for your future employment. By projecting a well-groomed professional image at all times, this will help to develop your confidence and create a positive image for SHRM within the industry. Furthermore, it will benefit you when it comes to applying for jobs once you have completed your studies.

During your classes you are encouraged to attend wearing collared shirt and slacks or jeans. You should be appropriately dressed for class. Slippers will not be allowed.

Fee Payment

Students who have successfully enrolled to the course will received an invoice indication the course fee and Course Fee grant if any.
  • Course Fee Payment should be made before the course commencement
  • Payment can be made by the following method:
    • Bank Transfer: 1009009802 DBS Bank
    • Paynow to UEN: 200704757K
Note: All course fees must be paid directly to SHRM College. Do not make Payment before receiving the invoice. Trainee must meet at least 75% attendance for the training and marked ‘Competent’ for the assessment to be eligible for funding.
  • Self-sponsored click here
  • Employer Sponsored click here

Withdrawal, Re-scheduling & Refund Policy


  • Transfer means changing the course of study but remains as a student of SHRM.
  • Withdrawal means the student withdraw from the course and the student is no longer a student of SHRM.
  • Short Courses are not eligible for refunds unless the following circumstances occur:
    • The course cannot commence as scheduled.
    • The course is cancelled/terminated.
    • The course is cancelled mid-way.
    • You fail to meet the entry requirements for the course.

You will be notified within 3 working days if you are eligible for a refund.

However, we may offer alternative study arrangements so that you can continue learning. Otherwise, you will be given a full refund of Course Fees within 7 working days of the above notice if you decide to withdraw before the course commencement date.

Attendance Requirement

All students are required to fulfil attendance requirement of 75%.

For classroom and synchronous e-learning, students are expected to scan the TPGateway QR Code for attendance taking.

For asynchronous e-learning, students are expected to scan the TPGateway QR Code once, and log into the LMS to complete the materials. Attendance will be taken based on TPGateway QR Code attendance and the student’s fulfilment of all activities, which includes monitoring of the time spent on activities.

Students who do not meet the 75% attendance may be required to attend make-up class, or defer their course, otherwise they may not be able to take the assessment.

Pre-Requisite(s) for Admission Requirements

  • Food Safety & Hygiene Level 1 / Food Safety & Hygiene Level 1 – (Refresher)
    • Participants must be able to understand and communicate in English (basic level). As training and assessment in conducted in English
  • Food and Beverage Equipment Maintenance / Workplace Safety and Health for Food and Beverage Operation / Customer Service Excellence / Food Waste Disposal and Reduction / Service Excellence for F&B (Asynchronous & Synchronous) / service Leadership for F&B (Asynchronous & Synchronous)
    • No Formal Qualification & Lower Primary
    • Able to speak, listen, read and write English at a proficiency level not lower than the Employability Skills WSQ Level 2 Workplace Literacy (WPL)
    • Positive Learning Attitude
  • Food and Beverage Budgeting Management (Classroom & Asynchronous) / Marketing in the Hospitality Industry (Asynchronous & Synchronous) / Essential Knowledge in Food (Asynchronous & Synchronous) / Branding Strategy (Asynchronous & Synchronous) / Bakery Production (Classroom & Asynchronous)
    • Knowledge and Skills
      • Minimum 2 GCE ‘O’ Level (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects or
      • Minimum 3 GCE ‘N’ Level (Grade A-N or Grade 1-5) in English Language and two other subjects or
      • Minimum Workplace Literary (WPL) Level 5 in Speaking and Listening and Level 4 in Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
    • Attitude
      • Positive Learning Attitude
      • Enthusiastic Learner
    • Experience
      • Minimum of 1 year of working experience
  • F&B Emerging Technology (Asynchronous & Synchronous)
    • Knowledge and Skills
      • No Formal Qualification & Lower Primary
      • Able to speak, listen, read and write English at a proficiency level not lower than the Employability Skills WSQ Level 4 Workplace Literacy (WPL)
    • Attitude
      • Positive Learning Attitude
      • Enthusiastic Learner
    • Experience
      • Minimum of 1 year of working experience
  • Menu Engineering / Organisation Management (Asynchronous & Synchronous)
    • Minimum 2 GCE ‘O’ Level (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects or
    • Minimum 3 GCE ‘N’ Level (Grade A-N or Grade 1-5) in English Language and two other subjects or
    • Minimum Workplace Literary (WPL) Level 5 in Speaking and Listening and Level 4 in Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
  • Pastries and Desserts (Classroom & Practical)
    • Knowledge and Skills
      • Minimum 2 GCE ‘O’ Level (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects or
      • Minimum 3 GCE ‘N’ Level (Grade A-N or Grade 1-5) in English Language and two other subjects or
      • Minimum Workplace Literary (WPL) Level 5 in Speaking and Listening and Level 4 in Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
    • Attitude
      • Positive Learning Attitude
      • Enthusiastic Learner
    • Experience
      • Minimum of 1 year of working experienc

Course Completion Requirements

Upon successful completion of the course, and if you have been assessed to be “Competent”, you will be awarded a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA e-Cert). You may download your e-Cert from MySkillsFuture. For more information on how to download your e-Certs, click here.
If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent”, you are allowed to one attempt for re-sit of assessment.


SHRM reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule the course or change the course fee/classroom venue as and when it considers appropriate without prior notice. However, we will use our utmost effort to inform respective Students of any changes within 5 working days before the class commencement date. The terms and conditions set may be modified or amended without prior notice. SHRM’s decision is final.


We strongly encourage Students to complete the course once you have commenced as failure to do so may result in you being held personally liable for the reimbursement of the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Grants to SHRM.

Data Protection Statement

Please refer to SHRM website: http://www.shrm.edu.sg/about-us/privacy-policy/