Transfer/ Withdrawal /Deferment Policies and Procedures

transfer & withdrawal policy

1. Transfer means changing the course of study but remains as a student of SHRM.
2. Withdrawal means the student contract is terminated and the student is no longer a student of SHRM.

Conditions for granting of Transfer and Withdrawal

  • All outstanding fees must be settled prior to request for withdrawal and/or transfer.
  • Student to fill in Transfer/Withdrawal Application Form, including submission of any supporting documents and adhering to the process as stated in the Student Transfer and Withdrawal Procedures.

1) Requests for transfer must be through the submission of the Transfer Application Form, and handed to the Registrar. Forms received after 3.00 pm will be considered as submission on the next working day.

2) Requests for transfer are treated as withdrawal from a course and treated as a new application for a new course. Students must meet the entry requirements of the new course they are applying for.

3) For the refund policy, please refer to Schedule D in the PEI-Student Contract. Should the student be eligible for any refund, the student is to submit the Refund Request Form along with the Transfer Application Form. 

4) For students under 18 years old, a request for transfer must be accompanied by the student’s parent/ guardian approval in written form, and submitted together with the Transfer Application Form. A pre-course counselling session about the new course will be held for the student.

5) The outcome of the Transfer Application will be made known in writing within 4 weeks from the date of submission of the Transfer Application Form.

6) Upon approval of the transfer, the previous PEI-Student Contract will be considered void, and a new PEI-Student Contract will be signed for the new course. All discounts/rebates that the student was entitled to under the old contract shall be forfeited.

7) International students who wish to transfer to another course offered by SHRM College will also need to submit their Student’s Pass re-application to Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA) for approval.

1) Students should fill up the Transfer Application Form together with any supporting documents and Refund Request Form (if any) and submit it to the Registrar for their necessary action. Forms received after 3pm will be considered as submission on the next working day.

*Students that are 18 years and below are required to submit the Transfer Application Form along with a Parent/Guardian’s letter of consent.

2) Supporting documents for Course Transfers should minimally include any documents that show that the student meets the minimum entry requirements for the new course that he / she is applying to (if such documentation has not already been provided when applying for the original course).

3) Registrar is to interview the student for the reasons of transfer application within 3 days upon receipt of Transfer Application Form.

4) If Student meet the transfer conditions, Registrar is to meet up with the student within 3 working days upon receipt of request and inform the student on the following:

  • The standard student contract for the current course that the student is enrolled in will be voided upon approval of Transfer Application
  • A new Standard Student Contract for the new course will need to be signed upon approval of Transfer Application.
  • The existing Student’s Pass will be canceled upon approval of Transfer Application, and new Student’s Pass for the course applying for is subject to Immigration and Checkpoints Authority’s approval

5) Student Services Executive is also to conduct a Pre-Course Counseling Session with student to ensure that the new choice of course is both suitable and beneficial to the student. Details of the Pre-Course Counseling Session are to be documented in the Transfer Application Form.

6) The School will review the transfer application and determine if the student has met the minimum entry requirements for the new course. If it is a partner course, approval from the partner will be sought.

7) Upon approval from the relevant parties, Registrar is to inform the student of the outcome within 4 weeks of receipt of request by issuing a Letter of Effect Course Transfer.

8) If the application is rejected, Registrar is to issue Letter of Rejection for Transfer. Student can raise an appeal by writing into the School. In the event of any disputes, the Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure will apply.


1) Requests for withdrawal must be through the submission of the Withdrawal Application Form, and handed to the Registrar. Forms received after 3.00 pm will be considered as submission on the next working day.

2) For the refund policy, please refer to Schedule D in the PEI-Student Contract. Should the student be eligible for any refund, student to submit the Refund Request Form along with the Withdrawal Application Form. Refund amounts (if any) will be paid out within 7 working days of withdrawal application.

3) For students under 18 years old, requests for withdrawal must be accompanied by the student’s parent/guardian approval in written form, and submitted together with this form.

4) A staff will speak with the student to determine reasons for withdrawal and attempt retention strategies. Upon approval of the withdrawal, the previous student contract will be considered as void. All discounts/rebates that the student was entitled to under the student contract shall be forfeited.

5) The outcome of the Withdrawal Application will be made known within 4 weeks from the date of submission of the form. Registrar will issue a letter to effect the withdrawal to the student by hand or by sending to the address stated in the form. If no address is stated, the letter will be sent to the address stated in the enrolment form.

6) For international students, their Student’s Pass will be cancelled upon approval of withdrawal.


1) Students are required to fill up the Withdrawal Application Form and Refund Request Form (if any) and submit it to the Registrar for their necessary action. Forms received after 3pm will be considered as submission on the next working day.

2) Students that are 18 years and below are required to submit the Withdrawal Application Form along with their Parent/Guardian’s Letter of Consent.

3) Registrar is to interview student for reasons for withdrawal and seek solutions for student retention within 3 working days of receipt of request.

4) The student will also be informed that withdrawal from the School will result in the cancelation of their Student’s Pass (if applicable).

5) If the student still wishes to proceed with the withdrawal application, the school will process the application and inform the course partner (if any). An official letter to Effect the withdrawal will be given to students, within 4 weeks of date of withdrawal application.


1) Students are required to show evidence of extenuating circumstances (e.g. death in family, illness). If reason is other than the two stated here, student should write a letter of explanation and attach to this application form, and deferment would be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

2) Additional fees for FPS, Student’s Pass, and Medical Insurance apply accordingly

3) Written application for deferment must reach the School at least 2 weeks before the new semester start date. Late requests are subject to the School’s discretion for processing and approval.

4) Maximum deferment period of 1 semester; all programmes can be deferred

5) For students under 18 years old, request for deferment must be accompanied by student’s parent/ guardian approval in written form, and submitted together with the Course Deferment Form.

6) Incomplete applications without relevant supporting documents will not be processed

7) If student wishes to defer for more than 1 semester, he/she will have to submit a request which will be subject to management’s approval

8) A student who requests for Deferment (i.e. delay or postpones the course) must either have their existing contract terminated or sign an addendum to reflect the changes. For all terminated Student Contracts, a new student contract will be signed based on the procedures for executing student contracts. The Refund Policy shall apply unless as otherwise agreed between the School and the Student.

9) The outcome of the Deferment Application will be made known within 2 weeks from the date of submission of the form. Registrar will issue a letter to effect the deferment to the student.

10) International students who wish to defer will also need to submit their student pass for reapplication/renewal to ICA for approval.

1) Students should fill up the Course Deferment Application Form with any supporting documents and submit it to the Registrar for their necessary action. Forms received after 3pm will be considered as submission on the next working day.

*Students that are 18 years and below are required to submit the form along with a Parent/Guardian’s letter of consent.

2) The student will also be informed that deferment from the School will result in the cancellation of their Student’s Pass (if applicable).

3) If the course is from a partner university, the school will seek permission from the partner.

4) Upon approval, an official letter to effect the deferment will be given to the students within 2 weeks of receipt of deferment application.

5) Registrar will prepare addendum to the Student Contract for the student to sign.

6) Upon signing, the Student’s Pass will be cancelled (if applicable).